Daily Archives: February 27, 2010

Hipster – The End of Wester Civilization

“Hipster self-hatred is the return of the repressed appeal to authenticity. After all, hipsterdom incorporated into itself all of its predecessors. The self-hatred, then, is the condemnation of everything it stands for by the value systems it inherited–which provide the only semblance of a normative content hipsterdom can ever manifest. This means hipsterdom is constantly at odds with itself, unable to resolve the contradiction between its countercultural heritage and its thoroughly capitalized rejection of authenticity. Authenticity, within hipsterdom, is a zombie–dead, yet unkillable, and always threatening.”

via Hipster – The End of Wester Civilization | MetaFilter.

Heavy Metal: the Science of Cast Iron Cooking

Heavy Metal: the Science of Cast Iron Cooking « Cooking Issues.